We have installed APP 10.2 with its turbo exchanger. This is a series of Danfoss having advantage that it uses a axial piston system which is very efficient. In case of traditional pumps, if we want to produce equivalent product the motor shall utilize 55 Kw/h of energy. But by installing this energy efficient machinery the same production is achieved using only 18.5 Kw/h of energy. This system is installed to treat high TDS Water (40,000 TDS) with flow rate of 60,000 US Gallons per day.
Due to the installation and implementation of this plant we save power utilization in operations and utilize maximum quantity of water with minimum power utilization.
Cost in production is also reduced with this power savage, mostly we observed that whenever such plant installed at less cost the results also impact low but in this plant, we are producing efficient and good results at low very low cost which cause us benefits in profit maximization. We have this beneficial resource to get the operations done more efficiently. So, we include this plant as essential part of our operations due to its efficient functional progress. It also gives low cost on production that’s why our gross margin is much better due to this power savage.
Because of the establishment and execution of this plant we spare force usage in activities and use most extreme amount of water with least force use. Cost underway is additionally decreased with this force savage, generally we saw that at whatever point such plant introduced at less cost the outcomes likewise sway low however in this plant we are creating proficient and great outcomes at low exceptionally minimal effort which cause us benefits in benefit amplification. We have this gainful asset to complete the activities all the more productively. Thus, we incorporate this plant as fundamental piece of our activities because of its proficient useful advancement. It likewise gives minimal effort on creation that is the reason our gross edge is vastly improved because of this force reduction.